Ali Mert Koçer - 9

Since the detrimental impacts of climate change emerged, possible effects of wastes produced by human beings on nature have been discussed. Some people argue that governments and public organisations should encourage people to recyle their wastes more; however, some of them claim that recylcling should be regulated by strict laws instead of individuals’ behaviour.

To begin, there is no doubt that our sensitive world has been in danger for the last few decades because of global warming. Plastic materials which make our lives more comfortable are quite harmful for the living organisms and nature. Unfortunately, independent scientists from several countries have recently shown the presence of microplastics in mammals’ blood circulation. According to them, humanity must no longer underestimate the influences of plastics on our future.

To decrease the progress of global warming and to allow our world to revitalize, numerous public organizations have taken several necessary precautions and reminded us the delicate situation of our world through their protests. However, these actions are not enough and many legal strictions are needed to save our world according to some people’s hypothesis. From my point of view, since mother nature has passed the critical point a long time ago, we need tight arrangements for our plastic rubbishes including more effective recycling. Although many governments promote their citizens to increase recycling rates, we should go one step further and recycle plastic objects under legal control.

In conclusion, human beings ought to understand that nature is susceptible to plastics more than the past and one of the best ways to reduce the impact of our wastes is recycling. Therefore, humanity should give weight to properly working recycling systems and governments should check these procedures legally.
