Ali Mert Koçer - 6

Transportation has been one of the essentials for human beings since the beginning of the modern ages. These days, governments are establishing roads, railways, harbours, and airports to make travels safer and more comfortable and to maintain rapid shipping of industrial and agricultural products. In this essay, it is aimed to discuss the positive and negative sides of transportation types, by especially comparing the railways and roads.

To begin, railways are one of the historic transportation sorts; however, traveling by public buses or private cars is a newer development compared with the former ones. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but in my opinion, the benefits of railways outweigh those of vehicle transportation. First of all, it is obvious that fossil fuels used mostly by vehicles spread poisonous gases into the air when we use them in our cars. Additionally, it is necessary to remind that the reason for the vast numbers of wars is petroleum, unfortunately. Secondly, railways can carry both people and products cheaper and more reliable than trucks and buses can. Last but not least, thanks to environmentally friendly electrical trains, it can be possible to decrease the effects of carbon fuels on mother nature.

In contrast to my previous opinions, vehicles are also essential for keeping our standards of living. It can not be imagined that the public can commute every day by trains or trams in countries which do not have sufficient transportation networks. Therefore, we should agree on transforming our cars into electrical ones letting no longer it disrupts the balance of nature.

In conclusion, I am fairly confident that I am one of the proponents who promote the construction of railways more than roads. Therefore, governments should undoubtedly spend more money on railways than on roads for a sustainable environment.
