Ali Mert Koçer - 2


According to the surveys before and after renovation of Ashdown Museum, the pie charts show the satisfaction rates of visitors. Overall, it can be clearly seen that the total number of visitors and visitor satisfaction remarkably increased after refurbishment.

To begin with the year before refurbishment, the majority of participants (40%) of questionnaire was dissatisfied and it was followed by a group consisting of satisfied visitors, with 30%. Only slightly more than one-tenth of visitors declared they were very satisfied. In contrast, approximately the same proportion of people shared opposite opinions and selected the very dissatisfied choice.

To continue with the year after renovation, it can be said that Ashdown Museum was more attractive; therefore, the total number of tourists who visited the museum increase by 18.000. Moreover, the proportion of visitor content was dramatically better than before the refurbishment. In detail, the amount of satisfied visitors augmented by 10%, while there was a decrease in the count of dissatisfied guests. In parallel to this, the number of callers who were very satisfied increased more than two-times.

In conclusion, it can be understood that both the number of visitors and their satisfaction levels ramped up through the renewal of the museum.
