Zeynep Koç - 1

The table shows the Proportions of Pupils Attending Four Secondary School Types Between 2000 and 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Secondary School Attendance





Specialist Schools




Grammar Schools




Voluntary-controlled  Schools




Community Schools




The table demonstrates secondary schools chosen by the students among the years 2000, 2005, and 2009. It is clearly seen that Community Schools became the most prevalent school in 2009 despite of the fact that Specialist, Grammer and Voluntary-controlled Schools were the least preferred schools by the students.

If we examine Community Schools closely, in the year 2000 they were not popular among pupils. Attendance to this school was only about one in ten however Community Schools' attendance started increasing and reached 32% in a half decade. We can possibly say that in 2009 Community Schools got the most common school with just under three in a fifth attendance.

As for Specialist, Grammer and Voluntary-controlled Schools, they began to decline whilst Community Schools showed upward trend. In the year 2000, Specialist Schools were not preferred by the children and this trend kept going through to the year 2009. The number of attendances did not change much. It fell down just from 12% to one in ten. Also Grammer Schools experienced the same. They were at 24% in the year 2000 and after five years, they slumped to just under one in a fifth. Finally in the year 2000, they diminished with the 12% of student attendance. Selection of Voluntary-Controlled Schools were the most preferred secondary school kind in the year 2000 with more than a half. In the year 2005, they were still the first chosen school but at this time with 38%. After four years, Voluntary-controlled Schools lost their leadership and located in second place among these four options in 2009. Their attendance were at just a fifth.
