Canan Şebnem Canpolat - 1
You are experiencing financial problems and want to ask your landlord if you can pay your rent late.
Write a letter to your landlord.
In your letter explain:
Why you cannot pay the rent
When you will pay the rent.
How you will ensure you can pay your rent in the future
Dear Mr. Pekten
I am writing to you to request that you allow me to pay the rent late this month.
The reason is that my father got a heart attack a few days ago and I had to discharge hospital payments on my own. As you can understand I used all the money I had; including the money which I especially classified for the rent.
Unfortunately, my sisters could not help me because one of them got bankrupt and the other one had a newborn baby, but don't worry I will have paid this rent at the end of next month. Furthermore, I will have paid the rent for 3 months all together, because I am going to use my bitcoin account. Nowadays, I am waiting for an appropriate time to make it cash.
You have known me for two years and you can purely rely on me because I have never dissappointed you. This is such an extraordinary and distressed situation for me that I got into suddenly but I can assure you that this is a temporary case and I am going to continue to pay my rents on time in future.
I hope this is acceptable for you but please contact me if it is a big matter for you, thus I try my best to find money from somewhere, even though it makes much pressure on me.
Yours Sincerely,
Şebnem Canpolat
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