Gul Mohammad Ahmadi - 19

The demand for food is increasing worldwide. Why has it happened? What measures could the international community take to improve the situation?

In the contemporary world, the amount of production and submission of food is increasing every passing day thanks to the significant improvements in the farming industry. Nonetheless, it is observed in some countries that people are still exposed to starvation. No doubt, there are some essential causes leading to these issues. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I would explain the main problems in details and come up with possible solutions to cut down the trouble.

To begin with, there are several causes of demand for food in today's world. First of all, let us explain why food demand is a remarkable issue these days. It is clear that most people who suffer from famine and poverty live in the undeveloped parts of the globe. What is more, those countries demand food because of their gigantic populations and lack of occupations. For example, in Africa, even though they have substantial lands and workers to cultivate farms, still they are living in hard conditions. Secondly, climate changes such as extreme weather conditions and depletion of water resources have caused low crop yield in these countries.

Turning to possible solutions to decrease the mentioned causes above, initially, governments should launch some restrictions to overcome this issue. For instance, in recent times, our government does not support farmers who have the lowest interest loans in the country. Farmers need to resort to organic fertilizers and modern farming practices to increase the yield of crops. Furthermore, decision makers should come up with reformative steps which may ensure the walfare of people, like preventing deforestation. In addition, the global community must ensure that there are good storage and transportations facilities, so that starving nations get food from those who produce it in surplus.

When it comes to the conclusion, even though the farming sector in the world shows improvements, unfortunately, droughts and famine emerge in certain countries because of the systems of explotation and overpopulation. It seems to me that by adopting measures such as stopping deforestation, resorting to organic fertilizers and following modern agricultural practices.
