Işıkay Karakuş - 8
Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?
Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and with relevant evidence.
Today’s world is unfair in many aspects of life. As a result of this, people are asking whether wealthy nations should share their wealth with poorer nations or it is the task of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens.
First of all, a huge number of people cannot have access to clean water in the world we live. Also, numerous people are suffer from hunger. As a well-known fact, clean water and foods are vital needs for living. Because of this fact, some people think that wealthy nations should share their resources among the poor ones. Furthermore, first-world countries have excessive funds for their citizens’ wealth, health and education. Hence, a part of the world dwell in a land of milk and honey but the other part of it is fighting against famine and poverty. Where is the justice in that? Every human being has right to live in certain standards such as, a roof over their heads, water to drink and food to eat.
On the other hand, other people think it is the responsibility of the governments of third-world countries to look after their citizens. Hypothetically, a government should provide the exact standards for their citizens. However, lack of the funds and resources in poorer nation could be a challenging quest. In this case, giving financial aid to those countries or any other kind of help can make an immense change in poor people’s standards of living.
All in all, regardless of a person’s gender, nationality or religion, everyone deserves an access to adequate amount of food, health and education. From my point of view, as a human being, helping poor nations who are in desperate needs is a duty of wealthy nations in the name of humanity. After all, we are all in the same boat.
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