Özgü Kaya - 1

The reading passage is about financial problems of Woods University. It mentions several ideas that campus officials came up with in order to increase the university budget. The speaking passage describes the consequences of one plan that officials decided to put into practice.

The reading passage states that Wood University had a serious budget problem. For this reason, campus officials started to look for solutions. They came up with several ideas. Increasing campus fees and decreasing salaries or some other expenses were some of these ideas. In the end, officials settled on one idea. The idea was raising the parking fees for students. They doubled the parking fees.

The listening passage explains what happened after parking fees doubled for students. At the beginning, daily parking fees was four dollars. Four dollars was not cheap enough for students but they were able to pay it. However, when parking fees became eight dollars, students started to look for alternative ways to get to school. They started to share same cars as groups. They also shared parking and gas fees. Some of them stopped using car and got to school by walking, by bus or bicycle. As a consequence, university's income from parking lot decreased.
