Emiralp Karaca - 2

The reading passage in this set of materials provides a problem and many solutions, while the listening section focuses on one of the solutions poor execution.

According to the reading passage, a particular campus faced a major difficulty because its budget for the future year was insufficient. To address this issue, university administrators met to consider alternative funding options, including raising tuition and other fees while lowering wages and other costs. They eventually settled on a few options, one of which was to increase student parking rates from $4 to $8 per day, assuming that this would allow the university to double the amount of money received from student parking fees.

The listening passage explains why this assumption was incorrect. When the plan was implemented and parking prices were doubled, many students were unable to afford the higher fee, so they began looking for other ways to go to school, such as carpooling, walking, bicycling, or taking the bus. Because so many students stopped paying parking fees, the total amount collected actually decreased, and the university's budget problem remained unsolved.
