Sümercan Ertit - 9

As the abbrevation ''w.w.w.'' refers, the internet surrounds the world. The properties it brought in its wake facilitates numerous peoples' lives. With including all worthy information, the internet is the fastest, easiest and the largest source, and these features of it made me espousing the statement. The justifications will be explicated below.

To begin with, the aspects that internet with the valuable gleanings cater for should be sized up. The precious knowledge absolutely bestows to the society the great speed. Within only secands or a couple of minutes, we can become well-informed about a particular topic. We do not need to any extra books, encyclopedias or any paperwork. Interstingly, if our research somehow entails one of these sources, we can collect it in internet, hence many publications include online versions of them. As an example, it will take only several minutes to be informed about the basics of astronomy, but it would take excessive amount of time to acquire it without the internet's contribution.

The crucial information the internet provided is not only the a pace booster, but also a great material that renders our vision dynamic. With all the information we can acquire from the internet, we can improve our mindset, thrive our intellectual perspective and adopt the ideas that are hidden in these valuable information. For instance, by means of the internet, we can view the precious gleanings about philosophy, history, arts, music and all kinds of fields which includes crucial issues.

I have another point to antagonize the statement. It utters that too much information costs some problems. Yet, it is not completely correct. If the people know how to and where to look for the right information, then less complexity and decreased but the right alternatives will wait for them in the process of benefitting from all information internet presented.

In conclusion, the internet becomes the most vital and integral spot in our lives. Since the valuable knowledge that it provided have advantageous impacts like the speed and the enriched mindset, its includings should be highly utilized.
