Duru Utkan - 2

The author of the reading passage discusses the defense mechanism of a bird which it shows in dangerous ocasions. In the listening section, the lecturer gives a contrast idea about the way the bird reacts in those critical situations.

The ostrich is a living bird, but the tricky thing is that despite being a bird, it is unable to fly. The author focuses on a traditional story, which is stated in the ancient Roman literature approximately 1000 years ago . It is about the 350 grams weighted birds way of handling jeopardy. It is stated that these birds are unable to protect the rest of their body except their heads. If they get alerted, they immedeatly emmbed their heads in the sand, which makes them vulnerable to the attackers.

In the listening part, the lecturer contradicts the idea of this bird's foolish way of protecting mechanism and believes that it does not need to be frightened, since it has superb ways for protecting itself. The speaker introduces the bird's 3 ways of handling the threats which are their senses, remarkable speed and kicking. Developed hearing and eye sight of bird creates excellent advantage for the bird and saves time for it to escape. Furthermore, birds can run upto 50 km per hour, which is quite exquisite. Not only does it have powerful kicks, but also these kicks give great harm to the enemy. Owing to the stated reasons impressed by the lecturer, it can be concluded that this bird, in fact, is quite advantagous rather than being vulnerable when it is in danger.
