Duru Utkan - 1
In the reading passage, the author describes an exceptional place which is located the off the coast of South America. In the listening, the lecturer discusses a theory about this small island.
It is stated in the reading passage that the name of the discovered unusal place is the Easter Island. The tiny island was discovered by a Dutch explorer and got its name from the actual Easter holiday. Yet, the island has evidences and signs of people who lived in there priviously but this mysterious island was abandoned. There are enormous, man made stone figures all over the island. There are nearly a hundred of them, standing along in a variety of places on the island such as cliffs, meadows and the beach. They are equal or taller than 1 meter height. There is no certain information about who built those sculpture like stones; hovewer, they are fascinating and take lots of people's attention.
In the listening section, the speaker expresses that the famous island has been on the spotlight of many scientists and the people who are into this topic.They wanted to solve the mystery of the people who lived in the Ancient culture. They also wanted to discover who craved those 100 figures, what happpened to the locals and why did they were forced to abandon the island. In order to get answers for these questions, scientists started to find theories about this mystic place. There is one well marked theory made by scientists, which is not correct for certain but probably it is the most logical explanation about the dissapearance of the people who lived in this island. The theory supports that outsiders arrived in the island by boat and spread some kinds of illness to the locals. Due to the viruses and the sickness locals had, they ended up dying.
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