Deniz Kahraman - 6

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

Nowadays, it is seen that the tendency of working at early ages is increasing. Even, in several nations, governments, and the public give countenance to adolescents who have completed the education of lycea to have a gap year until the beginning of the college. And during this year, they get the chance to occupy a job or travel around. The given incentive has some pros and cons for the youngsters who choose to do this. The two sides of the trend will be thoroughly analyzed and discussed before drawing a reasoned conclusion.

The foremost positive aspect of laboring and traveling before taking a step to university life is paving the way to the pupils who are trying to know themselves and their expectations from the future through gained experiences. In other words, working and visiting abroad before college could give secondary schooling graduates the opportunity to experience jobs and places and to figure out what excites them most. Unfortunately, it is widely known that the uninterrupted educational system leads to a limited time for them in terms of making a faculty selection. For instance, in Turkey, when students are graduated from high school, they have to take a matriculation examination directly without having any time to consider which profession they want to own in the future. As a consequence, it is clearly observed that the young Turkish population usually drift to irretrievable infelicity owing to having an undesirable career. Thus, due to owing a liberate year, the young population might pursuit their dream careers and decline the possibility of choosing improper occupations.

Nevertheless, one of the major disadvantages is the fact that youngers might have less motivation to start studying after a year of traveling or working. In fact, they might already adapt into the lifestyle which will not include schooling and restrictions. Besides, possessing economic liberty could be attractive to the youth and they could abandon studying in university. Another disadvantage is receiving a salary at an early age could give rise to thought teenagers that they do not need their parents' support any longer. No doubt, this consideration comprises conflicts among family members.

In conclusion, the two faces of the trend concerning taking one year break before university educating have strong supports. However, it is clear that the idea of encouraging young people to work or travel after finishing high school should be supported.
