Sümercan Ertit - 6

Salary increases and promotions to new positions are not the only ways to reward employees for good work. What other rewards for good work can be effective in encouraging further good work?

Good work always requires conferment and there are several of them. The first things that spring to mind are uttered in the question, but additional rewards also exist that are both satisfying and productive. I will expound these perspectives below.

Primarily, it is highly entailed for the bosses to content the staff both perceptibly and discretely. A promotion or a salary optimization are the representatives of perceptible rewards. Howver, bosses can resort to discrete ones, too. For instance, proprietary performance analysis can be done and kinds of gits can be determined as goals, regardless of its value but parallel to increased performance. The gifts may start with even a piece of cake, and it will get bigger and bigger like gaining some tablets, smartphones, holidays and even a car may be motivational as a goal.

Secondly, some other can be given on the basis of improvement. Namely, there are different departments in a company and the employees are evaluated with their working performance that are meaningful for the department an employee involved in. Good work can be awarded with providing some opportunities to the staff, so that they can increase their productivity. For example, an employee who works for the department of human resources may be rewarded with some educations or seminars that are normally needed to be purchased. With this way, employees will have the chance to thrive their working skills and as a result, more augmented performances may be obtained.

Rewarding the fair work is highly important. While determining the rewards, the bosses should consider both discrete satisfaction and improvement. Awards that are given based on these considerations will be way more beneficial, and the outcomes will be satisfactory for both workers and bosses.
