Alp Yurdakul - 14


The table illustrates five different major types of fast food which people consumed in Melbourne between 2005 and the present time and future estimation in 2025. Overall, it is obvious that hamburger has always been popular in past, now and future.

To begin with, it is understood that not only hamburger but also fried chicken options have been above 35 units in 2005 and present. However, the numbers of other types such as salad, fried rice, and noodles have respectively been 5, 6, and 6 units; that is, the numbers of their consumption were akin to each other in 2005. Reversely, the numbers of salad, fried rice, and noodles bump up in present so much that the number of salad consumption in this period outstandingly folds that of its counterpart in 2005 3 times.

Considering the estimations in 2025, we can easily get the picture that the numbers of some meal kinds including hamburger, fried chicken and salad will be over 41 units. Moreover, the number of hamburger consumption will be 51units which is the top level of this category in 2025. On the other hand, the numbers of fried and noodles are going to be similar to each other in this year. Nonetheless, those of their consumption will be below 10 units, which is the lowest level in this category.
