Merve Cura - 26

The bar chart below illustrates the use of tobacco products by secondary school students in the United States. 

The given bar graph provides a summary of tobacco preferences of high school and middle school students in the USA. Overall, it can be clearly seen that the usage of any kind of tobacco is more common among high school students than among middle school students, and the pipes were the least popular tobacco merchands for both high school and middle school children.

A brief examination of the graps reveals that more than one third of the high scool students and more than one tenth of the midde school students do not have a particular choice among tobacco products. In both groups the most popular products are cigarettes and cigars. While generously more than 25% of the high school students prefer cigarettes, the percentage of middle school students who smoke this poduct is not even 10%.

As shown in the graph somekeless, kreteks, bidis and pipes had nearly the same popularity among middle school children, less than 5%. But their popularity was various among high school students. While smokeless usage had more than 5% of high school students, pipes had slightly half of this percentage.
