Gizem Akkan - 3
The four pie charts demonstrate the electricity produced by all types and renewables in Germany and France in the year 20019. It is measured in billions kwh. Overall, it is seen that the main electricity source was Nuclear in France, whereas a very large majority was provided by conventional thermal in Germany.
Firstly, one can readily notice that the proportion of electricity in Germany whose total generation was 560 billion kwh came from conventional thermal at 59.6 %. In France, the total generation was lower at 510 billion kwh. The amount of conventional thermal was just at 10.3 % in France. This amount was six times lower than that in Germany.
When we look at the renewables charts, we see that the proportions of both countries were well enough close to each other. At approximately 15 % electricity was produced from renewables in both country. In detail, renewable electricity sources consist of biomass (39.3%) and wind (36.9%) in Germany, whereas a very large amount belongs to hydroelectric at 80.5 % in France. Although biomass and wind energies were produced in high percentages in Germany, these sources were not commonly produced in France –these just consisted of biomass at 8.1 % and wind at 10.5%.- Also, in both countries, solar energy was produced under 10 %.
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