İlkan Serbes - 7

As people live longer and longer, the idea of cloning human beings in order to provide spare parts is becoming a reality. The idea horrifies most people, yet it is no longer mere science fiction.

To what extent do you agree with such a procedure?

Have you any reservations?

Humans have already found the cloning technology which was initially tried on the animals. The next step is to apply this technology on human body. This application may seem beneficial in many aspects, but a great number of people have concerns about how ethical this procedure can be.

Firstly, it is a fact that humans are programmed to die. When we get older, our vital body parts become inefficient day by day and eventually, our biological system collapses. The cloning technology is the key solution for this aging problem. By using cloning technology, the old and dying organs can be reproduced with the help of patient’s genes. As a result, the problem of compatibilization of patient body will be overcome to a great extent. This technology could naturally improve the humans’ standards of living and their life spans. 

However, this solution comes with a lot of ethical and sociological problems. Firstly, we must produce a human to take their organs. This means we will need to kill the colonized humans for our benefits. This is, no doubt, very unethical. Also, this concept clashes with several law concepts, the main one of which is humans living rights. That is why, human cloning technology has been banned in most countries. Beside this, most religions are against this application which requires killing the colonized humans and stealing their body parts. Another problem is overpopulation. With this technology, it is quite natural that humans will be able to live longer. If this technology becomes common and in use in treatment in the future, overpopulation could be a vital and an inevitable problem.

To sum up, although cloning technology may look beneficial in the first view, we still need to cope with some essential problems like ethical issues and overpopulation matter. In my opinion, our civilization is not ready to apply this technology on humans.
