Simge Kaya - 3

The pie charts show the main reasons for migration to and from the UK in 2007.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The pie charts illustrate the primary reasons for immigration and emigration of the people in the UK in the year 2007. Overall, it is quite clear from the chars that the employment issues are the main excuse that lead people to choose to migrate.

At first, the biggest area is about the definite job that accounts for 30 percent of immigration. This reason shows similar pattern in the emigration chart with almost the same percentage. While formal study stands in the second rank in the chart of immigration from other countries to the UK with 26% value, this motive occupies the least area in the emigration chart from the UK.

The reason for joining a family as a member has quite similar rates for both immigration and emigration, with 15% and 12%, respectively. Apparently, it is seen that people decided to move out from the UK for the reason of looking for work more than those who preferred to enter the UK for this aim, with 22 and 12 percentages, respectively.

The proportions of catagories of 'no reason stated' and 'other' in the emigration chart are 18% and 14%, respectively. As for the immigration chart, it is observed that the rates of both these categories are less than those presented in the emigration chart, with 6% and 12%, respectively.
