İlkan Serbes - 3

Below is a map of the city of Brandfield. City planners have decided to build a new shopping mall for the area, and two sites, S1 and S2 have been proposed.

The map above shows two potential construction points for a new shoping mall in the  Brandfield city. One of them is in the north part and the other one is located in the south of the city.

Both locations have positive aspects. The first location is in the north zone of the city's downtown, which seems to be a good area for consumer potential. Also, the first location looks quite handy to reach for transporting opportunities. If consumers do not have personal transporting vechiles, they could be use other transprotation methods such as railways and roads which are available in the vicinity of the area. Besides, the park which is in the west of the first area can be used as a socialising area.

On the other hand, the second area seems to be an effective potential for being a convenient place for the instruction of the shopping mall. Although it is relativeliy far from the downtown, in the middle of this area, there are two crossing roads and a railway,  which provide more opportunities for transportation. Furthermore, in the north of this area, there is an industrial estate which can supply products to the markets in the neighbourhood.
