Emre İğde - 1
The reading part of the material is about the complaints from the employers of the graduates of the Sociology Department of the State University. According to the University, some public employers lacked expertness for their chosen statuses. The listening part is about the resolution ways of the problem.
As the reading part of the material stated, the complaints from the employers of the graduates of the program made the faculty of the Departmant quite concerned about it. Thus, the admistration members of the faculty thought that this situation was a very serious issue in terms of the popularity of the University. Therefore, they looked directly for the ultimate resolution for the interest of future graduates by the meetings that were held by the faculty members. As a result, the solution was increasing the major courses and decreasing the elective courses. By this resolution, wider perspectives would be gained by the students.
The listening part of the material is the announcement of the University's new policy which is increasing the courses for major subjects and decreasing in the elective ones. The announcement was that students who were already through their studies at the Department were not required to implement the new policy for the rest of their education. However, this new policy will be obligated for the new students that were about to start their education.
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