Emre İğde - 2

The reading passage and the lecture discusses different views of the Secretary of States Thomas Jefferson and the Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton who both served in the same government under the President    George Washington, for the new establishment of the governmantal system in the young United States of America.

According to Jefferson, keeping the agriculture large would be the best option for the countrys' economy. In contrast, Hamilton believed that implementing the British economic system by following    the pro-manufacturing policy in order to create a manucfacturing society for the economic growth of the country was best economiacly. Furthmore, Jefforson believed that removal of the tariffs and keeping the imported goods price low would have positive contribution to the domestic trade. However, Hamilton rebutted this idea by thinking that putting high tariffs on goods was better idea for the trade.

Another disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson was the Constitutional system. While Jefferson who was known as Republican believed that power should be distributed to states so that, government would not have more power in the framework of strict interpretation Constitution. Hamilton who was known as Federalist argued that strong central government within abroad interpretation Constitution had to applied so that,    government would have more power than the states.
