
Showing posts from February, 2021


The Line Graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reportingthe main features and makle comparisons where relevant. The line graph illustrates the numbers of some fast foods as pizza, fish&chips and hamburgers, which are shown on the vertical axis, consumed by Australian teenagers in the years between 1975 and 2000, which are demonstrated on the horizonal axis. Overall,...... To begin with, the fish&chips was the most popular product which was eaten 100 times in 1975. However, its popularity decreased gradually in a period of 25 years, even though there was a fluctuation between 1975 and 1985. Therefore, many youngsters in Australia opted for consuming fish&chips only less than 40 times in the second millennium. Considering the pizza and hamburgers, we notice that the numbers of both foods which were preferred by Australian teens were below 20 times i

Berfin Bozdemir - 1

The following bar chart shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1960, 1980 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. The bar chart illustrates four various types of transportations over the years 1960, 1980 and 2000. It is measured by percentages. Overall, it can be clearly seen that while using cars depicted a continuous increasing inclination in the travel mode, the use of other vehicles presented a decreasing trend during the given period. In details, cars were the least used method of commuting at the beginning of the period, preferred by only 5% of the total travellers. However, car use grew steadily and reached the rate of 35% in 2000, which was a significant seven fold growth. During the same period, walking, which used to be the most popular method of transportation at the beginning, experienced a sharp nosediv

Burak TÜRKER - 1

Sometimes an event that seems to be going badly turns out well after all. Discuss three events in your life, using specific details to support your response. There is a proverb which is called “When one is prepared, difficulties do not come”. Contrary to what is believed, you can not envision what will be unexpected and terrible happening to you. Even if you are prepared for all kinds of things, possibly, you may have a problem that is different from others in the future. I had to live with my three troubles simultaneously. I will make mention of how I brought down my own company, which was in the hole, how contracted cancer and how my sister lapsed into a coma thenadays. First and foremost, I was around twenty and trying to set up a business in respect of recycling. I could put bread on the table tremendously, I was taking that I struck it rich for granted, but when a financial crisis came into the picture like a bolt from the blue, everything went upside down. Firstly, the cashf

İrem Kılıç - 2

The line graph below shows changes in the amount and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from 1975 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. The line graph above demonstrates how fast food consumption among Australian teenagers differs in amount and type from 1975 to 2000. In general, while hamburgers and pizza display similar patterns, fish and chips act differently from others in preference of eating fast food. As it can be seen from the graph, being eaten 100 times a year, fish and chips used to be the most favorite consumed fast food by the Australian Teenagers in 1975. This was nearly twenty times more than the consumption of hamburgers and pizza at that time. Nevertheless, except for its brief climb from 1980 to 1985, fish and chips consumption gradually continued its 25 years of decline until it finished at just under 40. In sharp constrat to this, the teenagers steadily increased thei

Merve AKTAŞ - 2

The line graph below shows the percentage of unemployed U.S 'white collar' (i.e. office or professional) workers between 1995 and 2015, expressed as a percentage of the total U.S unemployment figures. The bar graph shows the number of U.S service industry jobs that are expected to 'disappear' abroad to other countries from 2020 to 2035. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. The line graph given above reveals the percentage of total unemployed in the U.S who were white-collar jobless officers or professional workers over the period from 1995 and 2015. Additionally, the bar chart illustrates the number of jobs anticipated to be contracted outside of the U.S service jobs between 2020 to 2035. From the line graph, it can be easily seen that the number of workless white-collar workers increased severely throughout the last 20 years, with a few negligible declines. In details, the white-collars' un

İrem Kılıç - 1

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Crime has been a problem since human history. To find a solution for this, there have always been many different offers. While some people believe that long duration in prison is the best way to decrease crime, others claim there are more efficient ways of lessening the crime rates. This essay will discuss both points of view. It is true that giving longer jail sentences might reduce the crime rate in the society because of several reasons. To begin with, criminals in the prison have limited access to the outside world. This could cause them to feel lonely, anxious, or depressed and, no doubt, having a bad psychology in jail makes life much harder for them. They may not eat or sleep very well. A prisoner who experienced this may decide to commit an illegal act never ever. Ano

Merve AKTAŞ - 1

In many developing countries, children work in some form to bring in necessary income from an early age. In the first world, many people think this is damaging and wrong but others would argue that their work brings them a sense of contributing, belonging and responsibility. What is your opinion? It is a crystal clear fact that child labour in the third world is dramatically increasing every passing day. On one hand several people believe that laboured children ought to accept a lot of liabilities and learn how to cope with the difficulties of life at early ages. On the other hand, many people think that these beliefs inevitably can lead children to defacing and unhealthy situations. Personally, I believe that no matter what the circumstances are paid works are harmful for children all over the world for several reasons. The first and foremost reason why I do not support children's working is that children suffer from their weak abilities to distinguish the righteous and unrig

Emre İğde - 2

The reading passage and the lecture discusses different views of the Secretary of States Thomas Jefferson and the Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton who both served in the same government under the President    George Washington, for the new establishment of the governmantal system in the young United States of America. According to Jefferson, keeping the agriculture large would be the best option for the countrys' economy. In contrast, Hamilton believed that implementing the British economic system by following    the pro-manufacturing policy in order to create a manucfacturing society for the economic growth of the country was best economiacly. Furthmore, Jefforson believed that removal of the tariffs and keeping the imported goods price low would have positive contribution to the domestic trade. However, Hamilton rebutted this idea by thinking that putting high tariffs on goods was better idea for the trade. Another disagreement between Hamilton and Jefferson was the Const

Emre İğde - 3

The reading passage discusses the Acme Accounting Companys' tardiness problem that had been a serious problem for a long time. The lecturer discuss the plans to solve the problem that occured in the company. The problem with the junior accountants' tardiness became so serious in the company that president of the company asked its seniors to come with proposals for the resolution of the problem. One of the proposal was the make-up check so when a junior would be an hour late to work, then he or she would have to stay one hour more to make up the work. However, according to president, this solution was not harsh enough but rather a bonus when juniours would be able to set on their own hours to come to work whenever they wanted to. The other solution which was proposed by a different senior staff was that, when a junior would be late to work then the company would substract money from the employers' salary. However, there was a big drawback at this solution because when a j

Emre İğde - 1

The reading part of the material is about the complaints  from the employers of  the graduates  of the So ciology Department of  the State Uni versit y . According to  the  University , some public  employers lack ed expertness for their chosen statuses. The listening part  is about the resolution  ways of the problem. As the reading part of the material stated, the complaints from the employers of the graduates of the program made the faculty of the Departmant quite concerned about it. Thus, the admistration members of the faculty thought that this situation was a very serious issue in terms of the popularity of the University. T herefore,  they  looked directly for the ultimate  resolution for the interest of future graduates by the meetings that were held by the faculty members. As a result, the solution was increasing the major courses and decreasing the elective courses.  By th is  resolution, wider perspectives would be gained by the students. T he  listening  part of  the 

Yeşim Altan - 1

“ Some people think that it is best for extended families to live together. Other people think that it is best for the nuclear family to live away from the extended family. Which type of family arrangement do you think is the most beneficial?” Use specific reasons to support your response. Most people realize how our lives are affected by our family types. No doubt, our family is not our own choice because we can not select the family we are born in. There are generally two family types which are categorized as extended familes and nuclear families. From my standpoint, living in a nuclear family could be far more beneficial than the extended one. The following essay intends to explore the reasons to support this idea. First and foremost, the nuclear family provides more wide personal space in the house for family members. Specially, children and young members of the family are in need of privacy more than others. I would like to get help from my own life to open this subject. I am

Başak Baytekin - 1

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Good teachers set challenging tasks for their students? In today’s world teachers have very importants roles in their students lives. Since we start our education at very young ages, our teachers have power of giving shape to our characters , hobbies and successes. If we have strict and unfavorable teachers. We can be shy and feel lack of self-confidence. On the other if we meet understanding, lovable, succesful teachers, we can be accomplished and confident person in the future. I thing being a good teacher is not just about setting challenging tasks for student and therefore I do not agree with the statement. Following, in this essay, I will explain my wiew point with two reasons. First of all, being teacher is not an easy job. It requires teaching skills and emphaty. If a teacher possesses these specialities, They will have the first step of being good teachers. When a teacher lacks this features, students’ lives are effected in many w

Arzu Kırıcı - 1

Many people buy products that they do not really need and replace old products with new ones unnecessarily. Why do people buy things they do not really need? Do you think is a good thing? In this day and age, people are increasingly purchasing more and more goods and changing their old items though they are still functioning, whilst some  consumer societies  lead people to not to be satisfied with what they have. There are several possible reasons behind this statement. This essay totally agrees with this phenomenon due to some main reasons and its unavoidable impacts on the society. To begin with, this unwise action occurs because of some reasons; especially, because of utilization habits, which is considered as the main reason. First and foremost, some people are rich and want to show off their wealth by all means, which inevitably leads them to be unsatisfied with their belongings. They are competing with others to prove who is richer and more successful. In China, for examp

Aras Kuzucu - 1

Most countries offer two education systems from which parents can select the form of schooling which most suits their own child. Compare and contrast state-run and privately-owned schools in your country or in a foreign country. All around the world, the education systems are consisted of a variety of options such as public and private schools avaliable for parents to choose. In my country, the vast majority of the parents choose the state-run schools because of their financial status. Other people prefer private-owned schools to get better education for their children. To begin with, economy is an important factor when choosing the correct type of school. Many parents cannot afford to pay the school fee for private schools and as a result have to prefer the public schools. State-run institutions have many benefits for pupils. For example, they can meet a diversity of students who share the same economical situation. In this way, the bonds of the relationship get stronger than tho

İlkan Serbes - 1

The charts below give information about teachers’ views of managing student use of smart phones in the classroom, and secondly, how students use smart phones in the class.      The bar chart shows how students use their mobile phones in the class and the pie chart presents how the teachers react to this issue. Overall, it can be clearly seen that teachers do not have a consensus on this topic. Firstly, it is obvious from the pie chart that almost half of the teachers do not support students' using of smart phones in the class. Yet, 20 percent of the teachers have positive aspects towards this issue. Also, 10 percent of the teachers do not hold any clear views to this subject at school. A good percentage of the teachers; namely, % 25, presented 'other' points of views to this matter. On the other hand, the bar chart reveals the fact that students use their smart phones for a variety of reasons in the class. While a majority of the students (%30) use the

Özge Top - 1

The pie charts below show electricity generation by source in New Zealand and Germany in 1980 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Electricity Generation by Source in New Zealand Electricity Generation by Source in Germany The given pie charts present the condition of electricity generation by source in New Zealand and Germany in the years 1980 and 2010. Overall, it can be clearly seen that the total used units increased and both countries prefered to use only one source of energy after 30 years. To begin, it is noticable that the coal consumption needed for New Zealand’s electricity production dramatically rised by 94 units. Also, the hydro consumption increased by 16 units which made it the second most used resource in New Zealand. However, the units of natural gas and petroleum exceeded in this country over the 30 years. Over the same period, the use of Nuclear ascended quite considerably. With

What is IELTS?

  IELTS General IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is used as the language of communication. IELTS is required for entry to university in the UK and other countries. What is the IELTS General test like? The General version of IELTS is easier than the academic version. All candidates do the same Listening and Speaking sections. The test has four sections:  Listening 4 sections, 40 questions, 30 minutes Section 1: a conversation between two people Section 2: a monologue set in an everyday social context Section 3: a conversation between up to four people set in an educational or training context Section 4: a monologue on an academic subject (e.g. a university lecture) Each section is heard once only  Speaking An interview, 15 minutes Part 1 Introduction and interview Part 2 Individual long turn (you have to talk about a topic) Part 3 Two-way discussion (The examiner ask